Friday, January 19, 2018

Tips to Avoid Tendonitis

If you’ve ever felt a dull ache around your limb or joint, or perhaps noticed a mild swelling, you may have been experiencing the effects of tendonitis. Tendonitis is the irritation of a tendon in the body, whether in your shoulder or your ankle. Tendons are fibrous cords of tissue that attach your muscles to your bones, and they can be injured from repetitive motions, awkward positions or forceful exertions. The body can be a delicate thing to keep healthy – but with these simple tips, you’ll be able to minimize the risk of tendonitis symptoms and any problems they may lead to.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Pushing yourself can feel great in the moment – but if your body isn’t ready, you’ll likely regret it later. Be kind to your body and start out slow. If you’re just starting an exercise routine, keep it moderate to give your body time to adjust. And even if you’re in shape, be sure to properly warm up before doing an intense workout. Your tendons will thank you – and be stronger for it.

Sit Correctly

Let’s face it: A growing number of people spend huge chunks of their day perched in front of a computer. Society may demand it, but our bodies don’t thrive in this sedentary position. If you fall into this category, make sure you’re set up with proper ergonomics, whether you sit down or stand up at your desk. We recommend having a professional assess your work space’s ergonomics to ensure your joints and tendons are not under stress throughout the day.

Stretch Your Body

If you’re a yogi, well done. If not, consider giving it a shot. Or, at the very least, work stretching into your routine for a few minutes each day. Stretching is especially important to do before and after any type of cardio activity, ideally once you’ve had a chance to warm up your muscles and then again when you’re finished. Stretching is also recommended for anyone who is seated all day in front of a desk or behind the wheel. Set your alarm a few minutes early in the morning or take some time before you settle into bed at night to do some stretches. Your tendons – and your whole body – will thank you. 

Spice It Up With Variety

If you’re feeling pain, doing the same thing every day is a great way to make things worse. Listen to your body, and try different activities to see which one best suits how you’re feeling today. Low-impact exercises like biking or swimming may be a great alternative until you’re back to normal – or all the time to avoid injury.

Fine-Tune Your Technique

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to get the technique right – and doing things right is actually an important part of keeping your tendons feeling good. Don’t let yourself get lazy; be sure you’re using the proper technique as you go about your daily workout.

Pay Attention and Listen…

…To your body, that is. If something hurts, stop. If something feels funny, change what you’re doing. If you’re trying something new, ease into it safely and be even more aware of how your body is reacting.

An injured tendon can take a long time to recover, depending on where in the body it is. Following these tips will help you avoid what causes tendonitis (and a number of other ailments) so you can stay healthy. Feel free to share any other tips you’ve found to ward off tendonitis in the comments below!

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