Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Why You May Need a Wrist or Hand Brace

We use our hands and wrists countless times a day. Practically everything we do involves these important appendages - and we don’t usually give it much thought. That is, until we start to feel discomfort or even pain. Then, we suddenly realize how critical our hands and wrists are and the issues that arise when we’re not able to use them as usual.

If you experience wrist or hand pain or you are at risk for it, you may want to consider investing in a brace to support your daily activities (and to prevent any pain from getting worse). The following are common activities that often lead to wrist or hand problems:

Computer Work

It’s no secret: Typing on a keyboard all day isn’t great for our wrists or hands… or our bodies in general, for that matter. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common effect of this repeated motion, but there are other conditions it can lead to as well, such as Repetitive Strain Injury. In today’s world, a growing number of us are plopped in front of a screen all day. Even while away from our desks, the increasing use of mobile devices also harms our joints as we try to carry on with the day’s activities and juggle our phones, sending that quick text or scrolling through our feeds.


Similar to the repetitive motion of typing at a computer, video gamers are also prime candidates for hand and wrist ailments. While gaming may be your means to unwind, your hands are working hard to get you to the next level - and you may be paying a high cost for it.

Athletic Activities

While many sports don’t require the use of hands or wrists, there are also many that do - and repeated exposure to that same movement can lead to serious issues. For instance, swinging a tennis racket or a golf club (a full game of golf has upwards of 80 swings - if you’re lucky - plus, all your practice shots). You’ve probably heard of the condition “tennis elbow,” but that constant swinging motion can lead to problems for hands and wrists, too. Even the downward dogs and planks of yoga can strain the wrists.


In what seems like a backlash to society’s increasing screen time, there is a rising popularity in creating things by hand. Whether it’s baking a loaf of bread or building a piece of furniture, the desire to create something physical is rising - and is a welcome respite from hours by the computer. But if your craft involves repeated motions with your hands and wrists (and is something you partake in frequently) you could be at risk for developing hand or wrist problems, too.

What To Do

Now that you know what to look out for, you’re probably wondering what can be done to alleviate the risks of hand or wrist injury - or the symptoms if you’ve already got issues. You’ll want to take frequent breaks from whatever activity puts you at risk. If you work poised by a computer, stand up every 25 minutes and do a few wrist rolls. If you spend hours gaming each evening, walk around the room between levels and wiggle your fingers.

If you are already experiencing symptoms - or perhaps have been injured previously - a wrist or hand brace is probably a worthwhile investment. You’ll want to select one that applies gentle compression without preventing movement. There are a number of high-quality options out there, such as MMAR Medical’s selection here, whether you’re looking for the best wrist support for general use or something more specific. Do you have hand or wrist problems? If you like, feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments below so we can learn from each other.

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